UCN White Paper Work

Presentations from the TRIUMF Townhall Meeting

UCN Working Group

Aug. 1

morning - plenary session, charge, and introduction of working groups

12:00 lunch

13:00 Welcome + Charge (Martin) (10+5) (odp)
13:15 UCN Sources Worldwide and for TRIUMF (Masuda) (45+10) (pdf) (ppt)
14:10 Photofission, (gamma,n) Sources and UCN (Behr) (10+10) (pdf)
14:30 coffee (30)
15:00 SCRF joint session:  Electron Linac Design (Koscielniak) (20+10) (odp) (pdf) (a note Jeff sent to Shane based on these discussions)
15:30 UCN Infrastructure and Proton Hall Floorplan (Davis) (10+10)
15:50 Proton Hall Radiation Limits (Trudel) (10)
16:00 Discussion (Chair:  Davis) (30)
16:30 tour of proton hall? (if desired) (Davis) (30)

Aug. 2

09:00 Continued infrastructure Discussion (60) (odp) (issues Jeff wrote on a slide for discussion)
10:00 UCN Physics Intro (Martin) (10+5) (odp)
10:15 UCN Beta Decay (Melconian) (20+10)  (ppt)
10:45 coffee (30)
11:15 n-EDM (Masuda and/or Hayden?) (20+10) (ppt) (Masuda-san's presentation)
11:45 radioactive beams (Buchmann) (10+10)  (ppt)

12:05 lunch

13:15 gravity levels (Konaka) (5+10)  (ppt)  (pdf)
13:30 other physics (Martin) (15+10) (odp) (focuses on nnbar, nnprime, and surface physics)
13:55 discussion of physics priorities and strategy (chair: Martin) (35)
14:30 begin writing
      more joint sessions
      draft Aug. 3 morning presentation

Aug. 3

morning - presentations of results from the working groups. (odp) (pdf) (the first 15 slides were showed, slide 20 was discussed in some detail)